The Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Revenue Service etc. are the most prestigious Central and All India services in India. The exam to get recruited into these services is conducted by the Union Public Services Commission on an annual basis. Oureducation is providing excellent coaching for IAS Exam. Here Best IAS coaching Institutes in Hyderabad is the best to IAS preparation. Its classes are going very well so join Oureducation.
The IAS Examination as it is popularly known after its most sought after service, the Indian Administrative Service also selects candidates for other Group A and Group B All India Services. If you looking out for the best IAS coaching in Hyderabad? You will need a trustworthy coaching Institute that provides an Excellent Support System.
I am just an average student. Can I crack the IAS exam?
For an average student, who has never taken studies seriously, and who has suddenly decided to write the UPSC exam. It is next to impossible to crack it in the first attempt. Even Lady Luck will find it difficult to stretch herself to enable this.
So, If you can do the following, you can crack it in the first attempt even if you are the so-called Average Student.
IAS Topper Shares Tips On How To Crack The Exam
Average Student's Guide to Cracking UPSC IAS in the first attempt
1.Set your goal as early as possible -
Since we talking about an average student, I presume it means someone who has not aced exams and tests through schooling and college. That means - the student is part of the bottom 20 or 30%. In this case, it could be due to three things -
(a) Lack of interest in studies (due to many reasons)
(b) Lack of any desire to excel in life given the challenges facing one
(c) Bad health, bad temperament, poor concentration etc.
In all cases, if you want to crack the UPSC exam in first attempt, give yourself at least 3 years, because attitudinal changes take a long time. If you decide in Jan 2016 to crack the 2016 Prelims, it's not only a tough call, but you're setting yourself up for an avoidable failure and consequent shattering of confidence. Don't do that. Best IAS coaching Institutes in Hyderabad
2. Research and calibrate yourself
Once you have made up your mind to go for it, say for UPSC 2018 exams (give you are in first year), start your research. Read every word of the official syllabus of past 3 years, thrice. Let it sink into you. Honestly realise how much you need to learn. Most of it may look alien and hostile, but take it in your stride. Your heart may sink, no problem. Let it. You are a young person, can recover quickly. Now start finding your exact stamina to study in long stretches. Try various things. And do all this for 3 to 4 months - and finally decide what's going to be your pace of preparations, and daily input. This will cool you down, bring a smile on your face, and make you one of those slow but steady and dangerous horses in the race!
3. Get the best mentors and the best course ware to prepare -
In a competition, there is no point in reinventing the wheel from ground zero. That is good for a Research Scholar type of pursuit, but in a brutal competition, get the best mentors and best course to speed up your preparations. Keep reading original stuff on your own in parallel (a sine qua non, really) so that you can constantly keep checking the current development vis-a-vis what's being taught in the formal sessions (either in a classroom or at home). And if one is an average student, proper mentoring can add an amazing delta to you.
4. Stay positive throughout -
Since the student has never taken studies seriously, the chances of breaking down when faced with this Mount Everest of an exam are pretty much there. So remember - be at it. Be steady. Do not give up. Remind yourself of this a hundred times per day. It's a big project, but broken into small and manageable pieces, it is doable. Restrict yourself to only a few friends who appreciate your struggle and motivate you. Dump that silly smartphone - and go for a basic phone. It'll add several hours worth of free time to your day.
Remember, many smarties will tell you - the exam is not tough, look at Mr X or Ms Y who cracked it so easily. Well, the real story usually is diametrically different. So be good to yourself - be honest. I wish you great luck ("the average student") as I feel that the normal, average people do wonders when they decide to!
The IAS Examination as it is popularly known after its most sought after service, the Indian Administrative Service also selects candidates for other Group A and Group B All India Services. If you looking out for the best IAS coaching in Hyderabad? You will need a trustworthy coaching Institute that provides an Excellent Support System.
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